Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
We invite you and the youth of your church to our annual Youth Revival. We would love for you to come to one or all of our events on the following dates:
Monday, June 18th at 7:00PM
Tuesday, June 19th at 7:00PM
Wednesday, June 20th at 6:00pm.
Our theme for this Summer of 2018 is “Be Consciously Kind!” Romans 12:9-10 #others1st
As we know, kindness is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22, NKJV), and we hope you all will join our youth as they seek to renew, restore, and revitalize their passion for serving and loving others as representatives of Christ.
This year, our revival consists of three unique events/opportunities to learn more about kindness:
1. Kindness through Worship (Monday, June 18): Please join us as we worship and learn more about the Biblical definition of kindness, and how we can all be better representatives of Christ during these modern times.
2. Kindness through Commitment (Tuesday, June 19): On this day, we invite the youth of the community to show their commitment to kindness in a number of different ways. Specifically, we invite each of your youth groups to demonstrate what kindness means to them through a display of talent – song, dance, poetry, testimonials, etc. If members of your youth group (e.g., youth choir, dance team, etc.) are interested in participating, please contact Misty Grayer at (678) 986-0248.
3. Kindness through Service (Wednesday, June 20): Finally, we invite your youth to join us in a service project that will benefit Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta/Scottish Rite. We will make approximately fifty (50) activity kits for children being cared for by the team of providers at CHOA. In addition to making activity kits, your youth group may help provide donation items including, but not limited to, gallon-size zip lock bags, boxes of crayons, coloring books, playdoh, and puzzles. Please note that all items must be new and unopened. If you are interested in providing donation items, please contact Gena Tran at (770) 377-0226
We hope that you will join us in showing the world what it means to be consciously kind! We look forward to seeing you.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. John Lampley, Youth Pastor
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church