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Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church was organized during slavery time by Rev. Jeffrey Milner.  They held their meetings under a bush arbor.  During the first year the Rev. Milner became pastor, one Sunday in July he preached to his congregation from this text, John 8:36.  “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”  Some of the slaves went home and told their master that Rev. Milner said they were going to be free.  The white people who owned these slaves, on the following Monday morning had a gallows built, where the present depot now stands.  They placed the hangman’s noose around Rev. Milner’s neck to hang him but before they tied the knot he preached so strong that many people wept.  The mayor of Cassville, Georgia ordered the crew to cut him down and let him go and preach the word of God.  After the Emancipation Proclamation, sometime during the year of 1868, the first church assembled in an old house where the present Educational/Fellowship Building now stands. Desiring a better place of worship, in the year of 1875, they built a two-story plank structure.  The fellowship sponsored the first school for Negro children in this building with Rev. S. S. Broadnax as the first teacher. In the year of 1877, a white gentleman by the name of Mr. J. H. Howard, grandfather of Mr. Horace Howard of Howard Insurance Company, granted, sold and conveyed one and one eigth acres of land to the trustee and their successors to be used for church proposes only.  The trustees were Alex King, John Benham, Dave Johnson, John Moss, Dave Massey, Isaac Daniel and Middletown Woods. In the year of 1879, this brick structure was erected at a cost of $3275.00.  After the church had been built and dedicated, Rev. Milner resigned and accepted the pastorate of the Thankful Baptist Church, Rome, Georgia.  The second pastor was a veterinarian, Rev. J. P. Gay.  He was succesful in paying off the indebtedness of the building.  He resigned because of complaints concerning ill treatment of animals.  The third pastor was Rev. Timothy Smith.  The fourth pastor, whom they called the singing minister, was Rev. Humphrey Daniels.  He was the first pastor to reach out and join other fellowships by having the church to join the Kennesaw Association.  The fifth pastor was a native of Kentucky, Rev. J. F. Bright.  His pastorage was from 1886 to 1902.  Rev. Bright was a great evangelist, it has been affirmed that the church had a great awakening and passion for souls.  Two revivals were held each year with periods of six to ten weeks duration, more than one hundred sixty souls were baptized at one time.  These were the Pentecostal years of the church.  It was said that at a season of baptism in the Petitt Creek near Atco, the Engineers would receive permission to stop their trains on the trestle to see this impresive Christian. The sixth pastor was Rev. J. T. Latimore who served from 1903 through 1905.  Number seven was Rev. T. B. Maddox, he served for a period of a year.  Number eight was Rev. F. A. Harris from 1906 to 1920.  The church during Rev. Harris’ pastorage affiliated with the General Missionary Baptist Convention.  Number nine was Rev. N. T. Thompson, who came to Mt. Zion from Sparta, GA in 1910.  During his tenure, the vestibule was added and two towers were built.  A baptismal pool was put on the west side of the church, a brick front, colored window glasses were installed, electricity replaced kerosene lamps, new heater, carpet was laid in the aisles of the church and a piano purchased.  Rev. Thompson resigned in June 1922. The tenth pastor, Rev. J. C. Adams was the second great songster and minister, his pastorage was for five years from 1922 to 1927.  Rev. George Washington Woodson was pastor number eleven.  He initially came as a temporary pastor to assist in hosting the Atlanta Baptist Association in October 1927.  He was the moderator at that time.  His work was so pleasing that in December 1929 he was called to pastor the church.  The hour of worship was changed from 2pm to 11am.  Rev. Woodson is the only pastor to pass away during his service.  He passed in July 1937. The twelfth pastor was Rev. S. M. Bryant.  During his tenure the church connected with the National Baptist Convention.  After nearly thirteen years he resigned in March 1949. The thirteenth pastor, Rev. M. Rufus Dinkins was called August 1949.  His first work was the elimination of the $1200.00 church debt.  When Rev. Dinkins resigned in October 1959 only $692.00 of the indebtedness remained unpaid. The fourteenth pastor was Rev. Eugene H. Mitchell.  He was a great songster who came to us on February 3, 1960.  A renovation and beautification program consisting of central gas and heat, a stoop, a new piano, new carpet, fifty new chairs for the choir, the art work, “The Crucifixion” was added above the baptismal.  This art work is painted on the wall and was painted by Deacon Roan Gamble, Sr. Rev. Mitchell retired and became Pastor Emeritus until his death. Pastor fifteen was Rev. Michel S. E. Caldwell, who was called in 1989.  Through his leadership the Deaconess and Matrons organization were added. Our newest pastor is Rev. Dr. Edward Rhodes.  He is the sixteenth pastor of Mt. Zion and began his tenure on February 19, 1995.  God has blessed us with this leader and were are destined to reach a new phase in our spiritual development under his guidance and leadership.  We are also blessed to have Rev. John Lampley as our Youth Minister and Rev. Bernard Lark as our Out Reach and Evangelism Minister. The congregation is mixed with every strata of our society-youth, senior citizens, laborers, business people, and professional people.  In the activities of the church, all talents, gifts endowments, expertise, and ideas are pooled in programs and projects.  The worship is a celebration.  The choirs (The Jeffrey Milner Memorial Mass Choir, The Annie Rose Mitchell Gospel Choir, The Zion Bells Choir, The Eugene H. Mitchell Choir and The Male Chorus) sing joyfully with voice and soul.  The congregation responds with “Amen,” “Tell it,” “Come on” and “Hallelujah.” We’ve come a long way and yet we have a long way to go.